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商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/readgirl0001/products/0010505605
1. A new chapter on databases: New to this edition is Chapter 15, “Databases.” This chapter introduces the student to databases and SQL using Java DB.
2. New Java 7 topics added: This edition discusses some of the new language features added in Java 7. Specifically, the ability to switch on a string expression is discussed in Chapter 4, and type inference is discussed in Chapter 7.
3. Improved organization in Chapter 4: The section covering the if/else if statement has been simplified and now appears immediately following the section on nested if statements. These sections have been rewritten to highlight the similarities between an if/else if statement and a nested i f statement.
4. A new section on System.out.printf: This new section has been added to Chapter 2 .
5. New In the Spotlight sections: Many of the chapters have new sections titled In the Spotlight . Each of these provides a programming problem and a detailed, step-by-step analysis showing the student how to solve it.
6. Online VideoNotes: An extensive series of online VideoNotes have been developed to accompany this text. Throughout the book, VideoNote icons alert the student to videos covering specific topics. Additionally, one Programming Challenge at the end of each chapter now has an accompanying VideoNote explaining how to develop the problem’s solution. The videos are available at www.pearsonhighered.com/gaddis.
7. Additional programming problems: Additional Programming Challenge problems have been added to most chapters. Several of these are simple games that will challenge and motivate students.
1. Objects and methods are introduced before procedural programming.
2. A clear and student-friendly writing style with stepped-out explanations simplifies for beginning programmers.
3. Concise, practical, and real-world examples that students understand and relate to foster motivation and retention.
4. A variety of exercises in each chapter encourages students to put concepts to work as they are learned.
5. MyCodeMate, available for the Fourth Edition, is a Web-based, textbook-specific homework tool and programming resource for an introduction to programming course. It provides a wide range of tools that students can use to help them learn programming concepts, prepare for tests, and earn better grades in the introductory programming course. Students can work on programming problems from this text or homework problems created by their professors, and receive guided hints with page references and English explanations of compiler errors. Instructors can assign textbook-specific or self-created homework problems, preset style attributes, view students’ code and class compiler error logs, and track homework completion. A complimentary subscription is offered when an access code is ordered packaged with a new copy of this text. Subscriptions may also be purchased online. For more information visit www.mycodemate.com
- 作者: GADDIS
- 出版社:全華圖書
- 出版日期:2011/01/01
- 語言:英文
: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/readgirl0001/products/0010505605